What is Galactic DeFi?

TLDR: A rogue comet's observations, studies, and commentary on the formation and lifecycles of protocols within the vast galaxy of DeFi.

If you’ve been following a lot of my content on Twitter, you’ve probably observed that I occasionally release long threads that cover a vast range of DeFi topics in deep detail.

Some of those threads have gotten pretty lengthy, as I tend to focus a lot on nuance and details. That naturally requires longer form content to describe my thoughts in their completeness. Twitter isn’t always the best platform for some of this kind of content - after all it’s designed to have 280 characters per tweet.

So, to expand my thoughts at their full length I’m going to release them in full here. You can expect all kinds of different DeFi content, including:

  • Deep protocol mechanism analysis

  • Systemic flaws within DeFi analysis/evaluation

  • Treasury management

  • Passing thoughts on gaps within the DeFi galaxy

  • … and plenty more!

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Research and commentary on the developing protocols living on the crypto frontier.


Can be found reading up on new DeFi protocol design, writing useless threads, or being annoyingly overanalytical in dev's DMs. Research & information glutton.